10 Things To Think About
#9) If a person buys an Island, cars, houses, and gains the whole world- They can't take it with them when they die.
#8)You can have more degrees than a thermometer, and die an unhappy fool.
#7)People can work hard all their lives, but never really enjoy their lives.
#6)Some people proclaim their own goodness, but inwardly are venomous vipers.
#5)People can discern the weather; when it's going to snow, rain, or when the sun will shine, but refuse to do a self-inspection.
#4)The worst criminals are the one's without records.
#3)Outer beauty fades;True beauty comes from within.
#2)Better to have little with love/peace, than to share many riches with someone who is miserable/hateful.
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