10 "How Comes" to the Hypocritical World

#10) How Come- When we bang our toes on something, and it hurts us- we forgive ourselves quickly, but if someone else causes us pain, we hate them for years?

#9) How Come- People say they are not prejudice, but if I say,"I just ate Rice and Beans" you assume I'm talking about?
#8) How Come- People who drink wine and take prescription pills, point their fingers at drug addicts?

#7) How Come- People have more love for dogs, than they do for human beings?
#6)How Come- People say, "They keep it real" but are as fake as a $4 bill?(Fake nail, Fake hair, Fake hair color/ eye color, etc.)
#5) How Come- The people in this world who work the hardest, can't afford to pay their mortgage/rent?
#4) How Come- Rich people act as if they are broke, and poor people act like they are rich?(Proverbs13:7)
#3) How Come- Rich people "pitch in" to get someone a gift (10 people buy one gift under $50 bucks), but a poor person will give their last penny to buy someone a gift?
#2) How Come- My daughter needs my permission to take aspirin in school, or to go on a class trip, but she can go get an abortion without my permission? 
#1) How Come-A chick can legally kill a baby in the womb, but when a baby is left in a plastic bag the world "Screams," "It's a shame"?

 Bonus(Drum roll please!)
How Come- Females who aborted their children, pridefully slander other women with many children, and acts as if they're better because they have, "A good career"- That's like a Murderer calling a Judge stupid- Just something that should never happen!


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