Ten Things That Makes Me Scratch My Head
#10) A coward that follows the crowd- I'll fight the world by myself= Warrior!
#9) Going into a fast food place, that has a million people working, but only one register is open- Really?
#7) A High Class Prostitute, that calls a Hooker a Whore-Stop it! Please!
#6) A beautiful person who is Envious of others- Woe! Hint characterist: Slanderer! Misrable! Stalker!
#5)A smart person who does dumb things- It's like a pig, with a gold ring in the nose= Why?
#4)An authority figure that abuses their position- Bully tactics? Laugh hard and know monkeys, try to imitate, what humans are.
#3)A leader that is childish- It's like how can you lead me-Like a parent arguing with a child- Why?SMH- Laugh hard- "The Art of Leadership 101!!!"
#2)A person who starts fights with people continually, but can't fight- My goodness- Quietness is a defense sometimes!
#1)Someone who claims to be perfect(they don't have any issues), pointing their dirty, hypocritical finger, but they don't see the three pointing back at them- Deceived!It's like-Ok, ok! You win!I did it all, I'm all that you say- Now what? Laugh hard People!
An a Bonus(Drum Roll Please)
*An unmarried woman who claims to be virtuous, but sleeps with everyone* Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free! Characteristic: Used up, but doesn't know how used up she is. Everyone around her knows, but they wont be honest with her-SMH!
Proverbs 31
Keep going with these posts. I'm really enjoying them.