Bipolar Society
Is there any truth in the saying, "It takes a village to raise a child?"
I didn't grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth, nor did I have the benefit of growing up in a two parent home. During my childhood years, I lived in many different homes. One of the homes I enjoyed living in was my grandmothers house. My grandmother was the most beautiful woman that ever lived to me. She was not just outwardly beautiful, but inwardly as well. She was the type that took "Everyone" in her home to live with her, when they had no place to live. She took my 3 brothers and I in her home to live with her, when I was around 8 years old. She never had to take us in, and for that I'm forever grateful to her! She didn't just take my brother's and I in; she also raise one of my aunts 2 children , because she (my aunt) was in the Military. Many others came to live with her- cousins, friends, and uncles. My grandmother woke up early to cook breakfast for all of us, before we even got out of bed. She made oatmeal, cream of wheat, maple, and other warm foods to fill our belly's. My grandmother wasn't a Lawyer, Doctor, or someone the world classifies as important. She was a lunch lady at the elementary school I attended. My grandmother wasn't perfect, but she was loving. I learned to respect my elders, because of her. I would of never wanted anyone to disrespect my grandmother, so I never disrespected older people- even if they were attacking me. It wasn't just me, but everyone I knew had respect for older people when I was growing up. In fact if you got caught being disrespectful, or doing something wrong, any of the older people would be able to, "Put you in your place!"
What's up with this new generation of children, that think they are untouchable? Are they untouchable? I know parents that would beat a Teacher up, if the teacher yelled at, or disciplines their child. I've heard of youth cursing their Teacher's out, and even hitting their teachers. What about the Teacher's who lost their job's for defending themselves- after being attacked by student's? I was in a store one time, and I was standing behind a lady who was pregnant. She had to be every bit of 8, or 9 months pregnant. She had a toddler around 3 years old in her cart. The toddler was acting up, hitting his mother, screaming, and acting like a pure nut. I felt bad for the mother. The mother grab the little boy, and told him to cut it out. The cashier said, "If you touch him again, I'm going to call DYSF (Division of youth and Family Services) on you." I instantly open my big mouth, and yelled out some things to let the cashier know that she would be making a huge mistake if she did that. I don't know why I felt the need to get involved, but I felt instinctively like it was my duty to stand up for the lady. I'm certainly not saying that any child should be abused. What I am saying is the children seem like they have the authority now a days. Spoiled, undisciplined, rebellious children who have no respect for authority. Do we live in A BIPOLAR SOCIETY? Will we ever fix this lawless generation?A little wisdom- Start in your own homes before you go fix the next mans. If everyone would really start to fix their families we can heal. No more fatherless children! No more of this competitive, "My child is better than yours-" when you know very well your children act like Freddy Krueger, Chucky, and Jason all together. Society- STOP telling people how to discipline their children, because when they come in the schools shooting- YOU are the first ONES screaming it's ashame! Parent don't abuse your children, but please Discipline your own children. Don't shoot the teacher/messenger, or anyone who corrects your beautiful baby terrorist! Is it the children's fault? Did "Society" give this monster
it's powers? Is it the parents fault? What happened to respecting authority, and elderly people? Is the village at war with each other? Society screams when the child comes in the schools shooting up the children, but no one wants to discipline the little monsters, because they don't want to go to jail. These children are not Bipolar, nor do they have A.D.H.D; they are spoiled rotten! Children are being bullied in school by these mini terrorist. The teachers are afraid to help, because they can't afford to lose their jobs. So many children are depressed, oppressed, and some even commit suicide, because of the bullying. The parents are covering for their children, because they (the parents) are doing the same things (bullying) their co-workers. Young girls have to get permission to take aspirin in school, but can go get an abortion without their parents consent? Little girls are dressed like whores at 10 years old and parents wonder how they got pregnant early (F.Y.I -even if they didn't get pregnant stop making grow up fast)!They don't have the job to buy the clothes- you do! They don't pay the mortgage- so stop letting them run your house! Take control back people! Does everyone believe their child is an angel? How are children supposed to obey authority, if the parents are gangsters too?
What happened to the village?
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